Arts Advocacy
Arts and Economic Prosperity Report
How Much Are the Arts Really Worth to a Community?
The Roanoke Cultural Endowment is determined to find out. Which is why we commissioned a study by Americans for the Arts to examine the economic impact that arts and culture can have on the Roanoke Valley.
Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 provides evidence that the nonprofit arts and culture sector generates $64.2 million in total economic activity, supports 1,774 full-time equivalent jobs, generates $41 million in household income to local residents, and delivers $6.5 million in local and state government revenue. This economic impact study sends a strong signal that when we support the arts, we not only enhance our quality of life, but we also invest in the City of Roanoke’s economic well-being.
Randy Cohen, VP of Research and Policy at Americans for the Arts, came to town on October 10, 2019 and presented findings from the Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 Study. His lecture, The Arts Mean Business for Roanoke, was presented to the Roanoke community at Charter Hall in the City Market Building and can be viewed here in 3 parts.
Advocate for the Arts
- Share your support of the arts with friends and family
- Send copies of articles about the arts and education to legislative/policy members
- Respond to action alerts from an advocacy network like the Virginians for the Arts
- Meet with legislators, school board members and other policy makers:
- Write letters and articles for the local newspaper about the arts and arts education
- Recruit others to advocate for the arts
- Attend Arts Advocacy Day in Richmond, VA
Other Ways You Can Help
Sounds easy, right? It is! Roanoke offers some of the best arts and cultural events in the region, and they are right here in our backyard. Attend a performance, visit a museum, or purchase art from a local artist. The hardest part is deciding which incredible event to attend! Check out the Visit Virginia’s Blue Ridge event calendar for a list of current arts and cultural events.
Impacts of Supporting Arts & Culture
Quality of Life
Supporting the arts & culture helps improve the quality of life by:
Providing inspiration and enjoyment to residents
Beautifying shared public spaces
Igniting the mind to stimulate new ways of thinking, communicating, and doing business
Exposure to the arts & culture boost learning for students by:
Improving vocabulary, communication, memory, and social-emotional development in young children
Increasing academic performance and scores on standardized tests.
Finding better jobs, earning degrees, and volunteering.
Supporting the arts and culture helps reinforce the social fabric of our community by:
Preserving historic and cultural heritage
Providing a better understanding and an appreciation for cultural diversity
Facilitating connections and reducing barriers between diverse groups (e.g. age groups, ethnic groups, socioeconomic classes)