Roanoke Arts & Economic Prosperity Report

Arts & Economic Prosperity Report

How Much Are the Arts Really Worth to a Community?

The Roanoke Cultural Endowment is determined to find out. Which is why we commissioned a study by Americans for the Arts to examine the economic impact that arts and culture can have on the Roanoke Valley.

Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 provides evidence that the nonprofit arts and culture sector generates $64.2 million in total economic activity, supports 1,774 full-time equivalent jobs, generates $41 million in household income to local residents, and delivers $6.5 million in local and state government revenue. This economic impact study sends a strong signal that when we support the arts, we not only enhance our quality of life, but we also invest in the City of Roanoke’s economic well-being.

Randy Cohen, VP of Research and Policy at Americans for the Arts, came to town on October 10, 2019 and presented findings from the Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 Study. His lecture, The Arts Mean Business for Roanoke, was presented to the Roanoke community at Charter Hall in the City Market Building and can be viewed here in 3 parts.

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