6-Part BUZZ Series:

Six episodes exploring the many ways the arts connect our community. Featuring the collaborative Roanoke Arts Pop! celebration, the role of arts in healing and health, as part of high-quality education, in fostering a strong economy, and in effecting change in the community.

Project Background

The 6-part BUZZ Series: ARTS CONNECT Roanoke project, facilitated by the Roanoke Cultural Endowment (RCE), in partnership with the City of Roanoke, utilized American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant funds as an investment to develop collective storytelling tools around collaborative arts and cultural events, strategies, and challenges.

The ARPA funding was used to produce six episodes of BUZZ, a Roanoke-based public television show that features nonprofit organizations receiving pro bono marketing resources. This 6-part series highlights the innovative and engaging nature of arts and cultural organizations as well as the contributions of the arts and humanities.

The goal is to benefit the entirety of the arts and cultural community in the City of Roanoke through a recovery and resiliency marketing project. Shaleen Powell

Executive Director of the Roanoke Cultural Endowment.

About Buzz

All six (30-minute) BUZZ episodes are produced in partnership with Buzz4Good whose content is currently shown on Blue Ridge PBS. Buzz4Good engages local advertising talent in providing marketing expertise and resources around specific needs for nonprofit organizations. Buzz4Good also supports the episodes using additional media offerings including radio, podcast, and online stories as part of the overall marketing strategy.

Episodes 1 & 2:  Roanoke Arts Pop!

The initial two episodes in the series showcase the array of arts and cultural organizations participating in Roanoke Arts Pop! hosted by the Taubman Museum of Art on March 4-6, 2022. This weekend-long event spotlights 35 arts and cultural organizations that bring joy and vibrancy to Virginia’s Blue Ridge region.

Episode 1: Roanoke Arts Pop! Preview

The first episode previews Roanoke Arts Pop! and focuses on attracting visitors to attend.

Original airdate: February 23, 2022.

Episode 2: Roanoke Arts Pop! Feature

The second episode covers the actual event, promoting participating organizations as well as future years of Roanoke Arts Pop! The goal is for Roanoke Arts Pop! to grow into an anchor annual event.

Original airdate: March 23, 2022.

Episode 3: Arts in Healthcare

The third episode in this series centers around the various Healing Arts in Roanoke, focusing on how the arts contribute to creating a healthy community.

Original airdate: July 27, 2022.

Episode 4: Arts in Education

The fourth episode is in collaboration with Roanoke City Public Schools and highlights the various arts programming taking place in our City’s schools.

Original airdate: Jan. 25, 2023.

Episode 5: Arts & Economic Development

The fifth episode is in collaboration with the City of Roanoke’s Economic Development and highlights the role that the Arts play in recruiting, building and investing in economic projects.

Original airdate: June 21, 2023.

Episode 6: Arts Connect Neighbors

The final episode is in collaboration with the Roanoke Arts Commission and RVTV and highlights the Arts Connect Neighbors project.

Airdate: January 31, 2024.

Thank You

Special thanks goes out to the Roanoke Arts Commission for advocating for the arts and administering this grant opportunity.  The arts help us express our values and build bridges between cultures. The arts are also a fundamental component of a healthy community strengthening social, educational, and economic benefits that persist even in difficult social and economic times.

©2025 Roanoke Cultural Endowment. All rights reserved.